DC Community Board, President Candidate

Meet Wesley.

Who I am? Wesley Weston, Esq.
I am a PROUD son of a former cotton picker. Yes that is correct, my mother picked cotton in Louisiana and we are both very proud of that because it taught her the value of a dollar and it also taught her how to flat foot work hard.
I am the PROUD legacy of a Native-American Army vet. My father served the very country that enslaved, destroyed, mutilated and attempted to erase his very people. After being killed in the gulf war, I can only hope that I am making him proud, making him smile and making him to the other angels- yeah that one is mine.

I am a proud southern transplant, multiple university graduate, US Army Vet, black small business owner and Federal government employee. I work hard, pay my taxes, drink my water, love on my people and mind my business. I’ve served in high level leadership positions for a few years now and the biggest lesson I’ve learned from each one is how to deal with people. Because at the end of the day, the job, the duties, the achievements, the accomplishments honestly don’t matter if the PEOPLE aren’t being advanced in a positive direction.

So who I am? I’m that person on the metro hoping the red line doesn’t break down again. I’m that person at Broccoli Fest singing all the songs (loud and on key). I’m the person at Cafe Saint Ex in the basement grooving out next to you. I’m the person rushing to get to St. James because Lord please not the overflow room (LOL). I’m your favorite cousin, your loud uncle, your fun step-son and your quiet co-worker. I am You. You are Me. And I know that together we can make TGS DC absolutely amazing. So come on this journey with me.