LA Community Board, Member Programming Chair Candidate

Meet Armando.

Armando is an Artist in everything that he embarks on. He is known in creative circles as The Founder because he bravely takes on challenges others would shy away from.

He’s the Executive Director of LatinoRen, a non-profit, that is focused on teaching inner city youth how to use Artificial Intelligence to prosper in life, school and their future careers.

He’s also the CEO of a tech company currently raising capital to hire the students he trains in his non-profit organization so that he can not only bring education but also jobs to the inner city.

In December 2022, Armando won a leadership award from the Internet 2.0 Conference in Las Vegas for creating symbiotic AI companies aimed at reversing systemic racism

Armando brings the same passion to The Gathering where he not only wants to help Black and Brown cultures coexist harmoniously but also thrive.

The Founder’s goal is to one day be the mayor of Compton but not before he teaches kids how to find their passion, adults how to get back on track and reduces crime so that every citizen of Compton can walk in the streets after dark without a worry.

If you dream like he dreams then vote for him to become a part of the Board. The world needs more compassion and direction. He won’t shy away from helping The Gathering shine in any way he can.